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Monday, May 14, 2012

I lost my digits, may I have yours?

I lost my digits, may I have yours?
April was a roller coaster of a month. Lost some loved ones to cancer and a few to their own demise. While in the whirlwind I had time to gather my balance and courage and continue on the expedition to find the fountain of youth. I arrived thirsty, curious and full of energy only to find that their is no fountain, no well, not even a sipee cup. However I did find a trike race Bring Your Own Big Wheel and an event made for grown ass kids called Beerster. BYOBW is an annual event in San Francisco, CA where participants bring their own big wheels and "race" down hills in various SF neighborhoods.Beerster: It's like Easter, only the pastel colors and zombie Jesus are replaced with a scavenger hunt for...beer. The weather was awesome in West Oakland for Beerster and my inner child was mos def calling. After knocking back a few I decided to summon my inner child's spirit animal, a hamster and take a ride in one of these 2ton , 6' tall steel cylinders. After I got the damn thing rolling of course it got way too damn fast and the inertia took me for a ride. Crushing ~15% of my middle and index fingers on my right hand the cylinder just kept spinning like nothing happened. Much props to the crew of Crucifixed bike club in Oakland for getting me to the hospital and taking care of a duder. Also the nurses and Docs at Alta Bates surgical center in Oakland for taking damn good care of me. It was a great experience being around folks in the medical field who had the same sense of humor, most of the nurses laughed and cracked jokes with me, so sweet!  Physical therapy is going to be one of the trippiest things I am going to experience. Probably going to have to learn to be ambidextrous and re-learn all the muscle memory I once took for granted. My journey through medicine will always take me back to the day I lost my fingers, going to be something to laugh about and reflect upon. Forever young has a price, cost me two fingers... What will it cost you? Peace and blessings.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mr. Mission

I was chosen as Mr. Mission... true story I did not nominate myself. I will walk straight up to that warming oven and pull that Excalibur of a burrito right out. What does The Mission mean to you? Track bicycles, Burritos, Peculiar(Ugly) Facial hair, or Drunk Hipsters...? The people at clashsf.com have teamed with the leukemia and lymphoma society and have come up with their own definition of "Mr. Mission." An awesome fun(d)raising competition that will have me and several other folks making complete asses of ourselves all in the name of charity.  My personal fundraising page and Mr. Mission competition info. Check em out and come support at the Elbo Room on May 29th. It's time for a new "Don" of the Mission.